Terms & conditions

Publisher details

Musée du Louvre
75058 PARIS CEDEX 01
Siret 180 046 237 00012 APE 9103Z
Tel.: +33 (0)1 40 20 50 50
Publishing Director: Laurence des Cars, President-Director

Web hosting

Claranet France
2 rue des Landelles

CS 87739
Siret : 41963228600102
Tel. : +33 (0)1 85 65 32 52
Email : info@fr.clara.net

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Musée du Louvre
External Relations and Communications Department
75058 Paris Cedex 01 – France
Email address: tousmecenes@louvre.fr

Intellectual property

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Hypertext links

The Musée du Louvre website links to a number of other sites, mainly official sites (institutions, public bodies, etc.), but also to those of associations and partner companies. Although these web addresses are verified regularly, they are in no way related to the official Musée du Louvre website.
The Établissement Public du Musée du Louvre is not responsible for the content of such other sites and shall not be liable for any damage or injury arising therefrom. Links to other sites are provided to users for convenience only.