Adopt a bench
In the Tuileries Garden


Visit the Louvre’s donation platform and make a donation by credit card, cheque or bank transfer. By donating €5,000, you will sponsor a bench with the name of your choice for a period of ten years, and may be eligible for an income tax reduction depending on your country’s tax policy.

Choose a dedication

Once the Louvre receives your donation, you will be contacted and asked to select the inscription you wish to see on your bench. You can see several dedication templates here. Whether you choose to have it engraved with your own name or that of a loved one, the plaque will be an enduring witness of your commitment.

Select the location of your bench

Once steps 1 and 2 have been completed, you will receive a code that will enable you to add a dedication to the bench of your choosing on the interactive map. Your bench is now officially sponsored! The plaque will be installed in autumn 2025.

You can also contribute an amount of your choosing to help with the restoration of ‘donor benches’.

Select the location of your bench

Every bench tells a story –
make this one yours

The Tuileries Garden benches await you. You can sponsor a bench in your own or your family’s name, or dedicate it as a gift or as a tribute to someone. Write your own story! A plaque will be attached to the backrest of the bench you sponsor for a period of ten years. You can also opt to collectively participate in the restoration of ‘donor benches’ by making a voluntary donation.

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